While grieving the loss of his younger brother, an emotionally broken young man struggles with his guilt and grief as a strange and otherworldly...
In December of 1987, the small Northern Ontarian town of Calf's Crossing finds itself in the looming shadow of a killer known as "The Culler". One...
Kicked out of their home and disowned by their parents for who they are, a young college student, Everest finds themselves in a state of limbo amidst...
A bard, desperate to be rid of a curse, finds a shady wizard who promises to help him.
While attending a Dream-O-Vision experience at Playland, Annie finds herself far from the dreams and memories she was told she would be able to...
Following a one night stand, Alex and Bryce find themselves interrupted by Alex's boyfriend Charlie.
An ambient piece created to preserve the memory of the director's childhood home prior to renovations. The film itself is shot from the perspective...
An obsessive composing student alone in his apartment takes on more than he can handle when a night terror turns nightmare come true.
A Man's Cat observes and witnesses his descent into madness at the end of his seasonal depression during the last days of winter.
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