Misa Kuroi is an adorable high-school girl who arrives at her new school when it is falling under an evil supernatural force. Trying to figure out...
Misa Kuroi is a good witch, but wherever she goes, evil follows. When a dying girl appears out of nowhere shouting Misa's name, our heroine goes to...
Convicted of killing the drug dealer who murdered her husband, Maria is blackmailed into serving as a covert assassin. She must do the government's...
Horror film released in 1991.
Anko a teenage girl and her yokai friend Warashi solve mysterious cases involving monsters.
A woman is slaughtered. The police suspect her colleague named Kayo of the murder. But Kayo's blind young brother Seiji gives evidence in favor of...
In a private school built 70 years ago in wooded areas, tragic events begin to occur. Seemingly innocent occult play by a few girls turns into a...
When a visitor from the future shows up at school and instigates a reign of terror, a small group of students must find a way to stop the horror from...
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