The story of two lovers and their attempts to save their relationship in a near-future world on the brink of cosmic collapse. John, and world-famous...
A determined twelve-year-old mountain climber takes drastic action to save her injured father by planning a high-stakes bank heist, using her skills...
12-year-old Pelle accidentally gets bitten by an ant and develops unimaginable superpowers. With help from his friend, comic book nerd Wilhelm, Pelle...
In a blue-collar American town, a group of teens bands together to form the Dandies, a gang of gunslingers led by Dick Dandelion. Following a code of...
Christoffer and Maja's trip to Prague to bring back Chistoffer's deceased father, evolves into the story of a break-up. With the dead father lurking...
Set in 1973 Spain, a struggling encyclopedia salesman and his wife take advantage of an offer to make adult films. The act turns him into an aspring...
Antboy is challenged by the release of archenemy Loppen from prison, the new super villain, Alicia Dufort, and competition from an all new vigilante;...
Detective Robert has his own office, a trench coat, a Bogart hat and Downs syndrome. The only thing he is missing is a case. Then a lady comes to his...