A war drama that tells the story of the discovery of the illegal AL printing works by the Nazis, showing the activities of the left-wing underground...
Follows the lives of people shortly after World War 2 as they try to adjust to their new lives. Completed in 1946, it was banned from release by the...
Unvanquished City (Polish: Robinson warszawski, Polish: Miasto nieujarzmione) is a 1950 Polish drama film directed by Jerzy Zarzycki. It was entered...
The first Polish post-war comedy. Witek and Krysia, a married couple, move to Warsaw and have nowhere to stay. They rent a room in a house with many...
In occupied Silesia, resistance is organizing. In close contact with the miners and led by an engineer, a group of partisans prepare the sabotage of...
Basia and her aunt live in peace far away from war efforts. One day that peace is shattered when a concentration camp prisoner, a communist activist...