Yusuke Kafuku, a stage actor and director, still unable, after two years, to cope with the loss of his beloved wife, accepts to direct Uncle Vanya at...
While struggling to make friends after his parents’ divorce, Koyomi Takasaki meets Kazune Takigawa, but apparently, they already have. Kazune...
Koyomi Hidaka and Shiori Sato meet at his father’s research center and begin to fall in love, but so do their parents, who eventually marry. To...
One day, Haru (25), who works as a bookstore clerk, reunites with Takeshi (45), whom she first met a few years prior, when she stopped him from...
Scénarios, which was completed by Jean-Luc Godard the day before his self-death, is twofold: DNA, fundamental elements, and MRI, Odyssey....
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