A group of American and Vietnamese fighter pilots gather almost fifty years after the end of the Vietnam War in 1975. Despite their training, aerial...
Jack "Fingers" Ensch served in the Navy for 30 years. Recounting his experience of getting shot down and held as a POW in the infamous Hanoi Hilton,...
The story of WWI Pilot Gervais Raoul Lufbery, a triple confirmed WWI ace, mechanic and world traveler. Explores the Lafayette Escadrille squadron, a...
Combining footage unseen since WWI with original scores from the era, this film tells the story of Noble Sissle's incredible journey that spans "The...
The War to End all Wars: And its American VeteransHD
IMDb: 0
Relying on newly discovered archival footage, memoirs from the fallen, and expert commentary from scholars, this documentary tells the story of World...
A remarkable woman challenges two centuries of Navy tradition and discrimination, becoming a champion for equal opportunities to serve on-board ship...
Set against the backdrop of the Gold Coast of West Africa in 1876, "Abina and the Important Men" follows the harrowing true story of Abina Mansah, a...