When Spencer Koll, a United States Marine, returns home from a horrific wartime experience, his mundane reality leads him to gravitate towards a new...
An adult-oriented version of what would eventually become an award-winning children's classic. This version of the show features Pee-wee's playhouse...
The Trolls and the Christmas Express is an animated classic about six roguish trolls who are determined to sabotage Christmas by infiltrating Santa's...
Explores the research work on Antarctic plant and animals life by biological scientists living in the Antarctic. Stresses the studies with seals and...
Shows how the Constitution operates in our society. Points out the various elements written into the Constitution and the changes and additions made...
Explains that heat is really a form of motion, a form of kinetic energy and that it can be converted to other forms of energy and transferred through...
A group of young boys break some windows at a warehouse. The security guard recognizes one of them as a neighborhood boy, Harry. Harry is hauled into...