The Krays is a film based on the lives and crimes of the British gangsters Ronald and Reginald Kray, twins who are often referred to as The Krays and...
A young boy tries to cope with rural life circa 1950s and his fantasies become a way to interpret events. After his father tells him stories of...
Chaank Armaments is experimenting with the ultimate fighting machine which is part human - part machine. So far, the Hardman project has been...
Desire torments a former cultist taking refuge at the home of a scantily clad woman whose husband is away.
Jonny dreams of leaving his dead-end job as a courier. Through his childhood best friend, nephew of the notorious crime lord Ray Kreed, he wins his...
A group of friends gather for a wake, and are shown a video shot by Jude and starring them before he dies. Things go rapidly downhill.
Dermot is in love with Pearl and is going to meet her family for the first time. But not everyone lives in the same world as us..
A Boy runs through the streets with a present for Mr Beak. Along the way he meets a series of strange characters in a strange world where your...
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