A group of five classmates is trapped inside their school bus after a mysterious creature invade the road. Time runs and every passing minute...
The plot revolves around a young archaeologist expert on the Etruscan civilization, who finds herself close to an epochal discovery and becomes the...
Film based on the myth of Death and the Maiden, directed by David Chavez Grant and Abigail Ory.
Diana Liviatani is joined in her family house by her almost new boyfriend, Orlando who is going to meet her scary parents. Due to his insecure,...
Dora and Beth, as well as being a couple, are hackers and robbers. After their last heist they need to find a hiding spot. The only safe place is a...
Spring 2020. In the midst of the pandemic, Diego has just turned 18. Although he's named after his father's idol, Maradona, he doesn't really like...
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