In a strict boarding school nestled in the Himalayas, 16-year-old Mira discovers desire and romance. But her sexual, rebellious awakening is...
Miss Novak joins the staff of an international boarding school to teach a conscious eating class and forms a strong bond with five students that...
A near-future Tokyo awaits destruction as the city is rocked by a series of foreshocks that predict a larger, more disastrous quake on the horizon....
In the depths of the underground coal mines, where danger awaits and darkness prevails, Nam and Viêt, both young miners, cherish fleeting...
40-year-old housewife Cai has lost track of who she is and who she wants to be. During one of her daughter’s basketball matches, she...
In the Meiji Period, in the 19th century Japan, transitioning towards modernization, BLACK OX explores the relationship between man and ox, inspired...
A single mother and her two daughters return to Taipei after several years of living in the countryside to open a stand at a buzzing night market....
After the mysterious disappearance of their baby daughter, a young couple receives strange videos and realizes someone has been filming their daily...
When a soul-shaking viral video shudders through town, a jobless father struggles to keep hold of his existence.
Kurdish-Persian Lela and her American daughter June travel to the Azores after a major loss, with different ideas about the trip and grief.
When cowboy Billi and his sweetheart Rosa run away together, he is accused of her husband's death and becomes the symbol of a local uprising....
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