Coworkers Alexandre, Lima, Rocha, Diguinho and their families are treated by the company to a trip to Bahia. However, problems and unforeseen events...
Alice is an insecure Leo girl who thinks the stars have made a mistake with her, until one day she receives a blank book with only instructions that...
A deep behind-the-scenes documentary series about the journey, life, and career of the Paquitas, Xuxa's famous stage assistants who rose to fame and...
What led Davi to become Big Brother Brasil champion? In this documentary, the public will learn the story behind the player and follow the impact of...
Todo Dia é 4 de Novembro: O Fluminense Conquista a AméricaHD
IMDb: 6.5
Fluminense's historic Copa Libertadores campaign told by its protagonists. Behind the scenes of the conquest, from the tournament's debut to the top...