Eumetopias jubata (Otariidae) - Verhaltensweisen in der KolonieHD
IMDb: 0
The film shows open air shots of life in the colony of the sea lion. The following behaviours are shown: establishing territories and rivalry fights,...
Documentary on how the osprey catches its prey. The film shows the search for prey, the launch maneuvers, take-off maneuvers and the fights with the...
"Früher haben wir Tabak geliefert..." - Tabakanbau in der Uckermark 1993/94HD
IMDb: 4
The film documents the tobacco season of 1993/94 from the planting of the tobacco through the harvest and sale until the sowing for the next season -...
Raumkonkurrenz bei der Prachtlibelle Calopteryx haemorrhoidalisHD
IMDb: 0
The film shows the spatial distribution and the behaviour of the Mediterranean demoiselle Calopteryx haemorrhoidalis on typical reproduction waters....