The protagonist walks through life, carrying the weight of his past, alone in his world. One night, both he and his weight receive an unexpected...
In the bustling, mist-laden Silicon City of 2028, Shukra stumbles upon a mysterious bag of oranges. What seems like a trivial discovery quickly...
Upcoming short film
Rudra Residency seems to have an uncanny problem within its walls. Vivek and Sampath soon discover that their metal tools are of no use to fix the...
It's a pretty unusual story about a guy experiencing surrealistic things a night before his exams.
A man haunted by his past has to go back through his memories to find an element. But things don't work out as planned.
A woman's life takes a complex turn when she forgets to take her Hallucination pills while also discovering a personal connection to the case of a...
A guy tries to discern what's happening, as he suffers from a series of recurring nightmares of being followed by a mysterious being.
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