Jeffrey Dahmer struggles with a difficult family life as a young boy. During his teenage years he slowly transforms, edging closer to the serial...
A former valedictorian quits her reporter job in New York and returns to the place she last felt happy: her childhood home in Connecticut. She gets...
At a time when superheroes have lost government funding and public support, a superhero meets a girl who can help him overcome his own emotional...
Wes Thorne and Shelly Ackerman — two people living in opposite worlds. Shelly’s mother is off her medication so her home life is in...
The Landrys are blindsided by news of their son's behavior, and must rally to find their way amidst comical family dysfunction.
Dora Welles is an imaginative college grad ready to experience all the excitement of life. Instead she finds herself in snowy upstate New York caring...
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