With the escalation of Russia's war on Ukraine, the seemingly unbreakable bond of a vibrant cheerleading team of 50+ year old women called "Nice...
In the film "Goudvink," we meet Yaël and Idris, two non-binary people of color in their twenties, who in their turbulent and social lives...
Turkish-Dutch girl Yildiz searches for hope in faith, for herself and her manic destructive mother. In her search, she flees into her fantasy, the...
An adventurous coming-of-age drama about two young deaf girls who go on an unforgettable road trip together where they not only get to know each...
When 17-year-old Lot loses her eyesight in a freak accident, her world comes to an abrupt halt. Sent to a rehabilitation centre for visually impaired...
Sergei Ovsiannikov (1952 - 2018) migrated from the Soviet Union to the Netherlands in search for freedom. While living in Amsterdam he become a...
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