In a post-apocalyptic world, the residents of an apartment above the butcher shop receive an occasional delicacy of meat, something that is in low...
The film begins with a flashback from the titular character, Antoine. We are introduced to his fixation with female hairdressers which began at a...
After the death of her father, 22-year-old Céline inherits most of his estate, but gives it to her stepmother, causing her greedy...
A look at the last few days of in the life of composer Frédéric Chopin's professional life.
More than just an abbreviated form of "La Belle Noiseuse", Rivette re-cut his footage with some important differences in point of view - this one...
Marie has always been somewhat independent and is considered by some to be a bit of a tomboy. Though she is not quite a teenager, her photographer...
Much against his will, Aurélien Brada is put in charge of a cute orphan girl and her cute dog.
Emile Michel, Lapland, orphan, is obliged to bring back within the tribe the ancestral totem: a gold plumb line "borrowed" formerly by his...
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