In three tales of extreme horror, a young couple hires a mysterious nanny for their baby; a a young woman discovers that her sister has been dead and...
This Filipino vampire film co-directed by Peque Gallaga and Lore Reyes tells the story of an aswang, the traditional shape-shifting creature of local...
Ang Joker at ang Pistolero is a 1998 Tagalog-language Action Western film featuring Chuck Perez, Daniel Pasia, Mike Gayoso, Michelle Ortega, Melissa...
ER Ejercito (AKA George Estregan Jr.) returns to prison once again and this time playing the psychotic leader of Sputnik Gang. Pitted against him is...
Mike Fortes, a 17-year old trouble maker makes his father's life miserable by getting into trouble and failing high school. His father hires a tutor,...