Una and an alien robot have 24 hours to find her Grandpa who was kidnapped by aliens. The extraordinary adventure leads to friendship, the rational...
Milan, a Slovak working in Germany as a bricklayer, returns home to celebrate Christmas with his wife and three children, one of whom appears to be...
Knight Borek is searching for his missing son. Enthralled by the stories of children's crusades, little Jan has run away from home. Borek's crusade...
Eva would do anything to regain the love of the one she hurt the most - her son. She is a recovered alcoholic but decades ago she was a famous...
After her husband's death, Hana lives on alone in the family villa. Her two sons visit her with their families, but these visits frequently end in...
Eduard Grečner. Film director, dramaturge, publicist and poet. A talented fi lmmaker with precise artistic goals which, due to circumstances and...
A poetic story about love and happiness between doc and fiction.
Documentary film about graduates of the Bratislava grammar school, whose ribbon-cutting ceremony took place on the day of the parliamentary...
Ela, 15, has a love affair, which results in her being sent to a re-education center.
Documentary film about glassmaker Palo Macho (*1965).
The mayor of OSADNE, Mr. Ladislav Mikulasko, is a political record-holder. He has held the position of the village boss for a respectful thirty-six...
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