The journey of Manolo, a young man who is torn between fulfilling the expectations of his family and following his heart. Before choosing which path...
In the adorably different town of Uglyville, weirdness is celebrated, strangeness is special and beauty is embraced as more than meets the eye. After...
An original story featuring performances by Cirque du Soleil. A young woman is entranced by an Aerialist. When they fall into the dreamlike world of...
In 1950, Mel Blanc recorded some novelty songs for Capitol Records in the voices of his characters he did for Warner Bros. Cartoons. Now someone has...
Doctor X initiates a plan to transform innocent victims into an army of Toxic Troopers intent on destroying everything in their path. Can Action Man...
In the most important match of his life, the once mighty masked luchador, Son of Jaguar, faces his legacy, his family, and what it means to be a part...