Octavio secretly sent his consul Curridio to Alexandria in a final attempt to reach peace. In the city, he meets Berenice, a mysterious and beautiful...
Hercules is summoned to oppose the evil Queen Samara, who has allied herself with aliens and is sacrificing her own people in a bid to awaken a moon...
The beautiful young Sushila is forced into a political marriage with young Pharaoh Nemorat in order to consolidate power. However, the young Pharaoh...
Set in the 1850s in Czar Alexander II's Russia, this drama and adventure film focuses on the strife between the Circassian Muslims, led by Shamil and...
Vienna 1965. While visiting the Wax Museum a group of tourists stop in front of the figure of Prince Metternich. All of a sudden they find themselves...
A married industrialist maintains three mistresses. On the instructions of his wife, the tax inspector seizes the small notebook where he records his...