The Care Bears team up with a troubled brother and sister who just moved to a new town to help a neglected young magician's apprentice whose evil...
This animated adventure goes back in time to the Care Bears' first-ever Caring Mission, when True Heart Bear and Noble Heart Horse touch down on...
While villain Grizzle plots against the Care Bears, it is up to Oopsy Bear to come to their rescue.
Feeling sad that her fellow Care Bears don't seem to appreciate her wishes, Wish Bear uses her wish star, Twinkers, to find some bears who love...
Funshine Bear travels to Joke-a-lot where the people there crown him king.
The cuddly Care Bears and their cousins star in this charming third feature-length film incorporating characters from Alice in Wonderland. A young...
Care Bears: Share Bear Shines is a 2010 computer animated, direct-to-DVD film featuring the Care Bear Power Team
Champion truck-racing dog Buddy and his best friend, ferret mechanic Darnell, paw through the "maybe pile" and test out a bunch of crazy stunts.
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