When a new friend is brutally assaulted, Detective John Droomor is put by chance in charge of the investigation. Although the evidence against the...
When an outbreak hits, Aidan barricades himself inside his apartment and starts rationing food. His complex is overrun by infected Screamers, and...
A small-time crime boss kills a drug dealer without realizing that the drug dealer works for the biggest crime boss in the country.
A tough as nails private investigator (Malone) squares off with gangsters and their thugs to protect a valuable secret. Malone goes through hell to...
Alex Thomas was the man in charge of protecting the president but, when the time came to fulfill his duties, everything just went wrong. His...
When a menacing smuggler coolly insists that best-selling author Wes Wilson take a chauffeured backseat ride with him, Wilson's charmed life explodes...
In Host, Missouri, the newcomer Dr. of Veterinary Science Eli Rudkus is called by the farmer Jacob Long to exam one of his cows. The veterinarian...
A co-ed group of Special Forces agents search the wilderness for a predator type creature that has been on a killing spree.
A group of young men dare a classmate to reach the porch of a legendary old house, said to be haunted by the thirteen victims of a family massacre....
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