This promotional film was aired on American television on 26 November 1965, one month before the release of Thunderball (1965). Narrated by Alexander...
On Christmas Eve 1770, a young African warrior, who three years prior had been captured and sold into slavery in America, leads a desperate group of...
The film is based on an actual event: Operation Entebbe and the freeing of Israeli hostages at Entebbe Airport (now Entebbe International Airport) in...
The curse of the legendary blue Hope Diamond on all its owners is dramatized from the gem's discovery in 17th Century India until its donation to the...
Two men and a woman, all friends and martial arts experts, visit Hong Kong, where they grew up. When the woman disappears, the men find out that she...
A documentary about men who are courageous enough to risk their lives undertaking challenges, sports-related and not, that are at the limit of human...
Survey of Zionist history: Theodor Herzl's idea of creating a Jewish state; the return to Palestine; Allenby entering Jerusalem; Tel Aviv, 1933; the...
The Really Big Family is a 1966 American documentary film directed by Alexander Grasshoff about the Dukes family of Seattle, who had 18 children. It...