Detroit's Kings of the Underworld, The Black Dahlia Murder, present their "Yule 'Em All: A Holiday Variety Extravaganza" program hosted by Neil...
Live show filmed during the Death Metal Massacre tour on February 16, 2000 at the Rave in Milwaukee, WI. One of the most extreme heavy metal bands...
The story of one of the most influential albums in heavy metal history, the 1982 vinyl compilation "Metal Massacre," the brainchild of Los Angeles...
Spanning the entire career of death metal's biggest and most controversial band. Comes in a 3-panel Digipak with embossed artwork. With Full Force...
Metal Blade Records, in association with Good Fight Entertainment, present Between the Buried and Me Coma Ecliptic: Live! The concert, which features...
A collection of footage from three live concerts performed by German progressive/sludge/post-metal band The Ocean. Featuring 21 songs, tour...
Monolith of Death Tour '96–'97 is a DVD by American death metal band, Cannibal Corpse. It was originally released in 1997 on VHS, but was...
01. Intro 02. Father of the Wolf 03. Deceiver of the Gods 04. Live for the Kill 05. Varyags of Miklagaard 06. Asator 07. For Victory or Death ...
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