The film follows Ravi, 29 years after the incidents of the first film. The suicidal taxi driver plans to shut shop when a young girl, Aarya, compels...
To escape a secure but stifling life with her workaholic husband Sudhir, bored housewife Simran begins an affair with Sunny, an ex-boyfriend from her...
Tanya is a rich woman who is married to another rich man named Vinod. But their lives change by Vinod's death. Tanya than starts falling in love with...
An alcoholic barmaid is distraught when her former lover, a notorious gangster, re-enters her life. She is forced to relive painful past experiences...
An estranged couple happen to meet on a train journey where they independently reflect on what went wrong in their relationship and whether they will...
Deepak Singh was an ex army person and owned a small garment shop in a Rajasthani village. When his life struck by a tragedy, he migrates to Mumbai,...
A taxi driver with a tragic past sees an opportunity for redemption when he encounters a woman sold into prostitution. Wanting to help her escape, he...