This documentary of repressive political realities in Cameroon begins with the 1990 publication of an open letter to President Biya calling for a...
In The Colonial Misunderstanding Jean-Marie Teno sheds light on the complex and problematic relationship between colonization and European...
Cameroonian filmmaker Jean-Marie Teno directs this impassioned documentary about the slow crumbling of traditional morals and values caused by...
In his film 'La tête dans les nuages' ('Head in the Clouds') Jean-Marie Teno criticizes the ills of the modern world and the regression of...
Proud and determined, the hunter set out, leaving behind his village ravaged by a terrible drought. All the villagers came out to wish him well, and...
Si-Gueriki is the story of the confrontation of a young man with his history, his roots and culture.
Filmmaker Jean-Marie Téno pays tribute to his late father.
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