A cowboy arrives in a village in search of his daughter, a native policewoman arrests various offenders in a snowy landscape, while her niece, a...
A father and daughter journey from Denmark to an unknown desert that exists in a realm beyond the confines of civilization.
A solitary man's only pastime is to go to a movie theatre, the Teatro San Martín, on Corrientes Avenue in Buenos Aires. There he exorcises his...
A sailor takes a short leave to visit his hometown and see if his mother is still alive.
Vargas, a 54 year old man, gets out of jail in the province of Corrientes, Argentina. Once released, he wants to find his now adult daughter, who...
From first love to first divorce, Romina and Flor experience different stages of their lives together, in Argentinian director Constanza Novick's...
Filmed in digital by Juan Manuel Seoane, this documentary explores the shooting of "Los Muertos" by Lisandro Alonso through a montage of raw...
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