One of Otto Messmer's most unusual Felix cartoons. It portrays Felix as an inebriated feline being chased by all kinds of demons only to be welcomed...
Felix the Cat can't find anything to eat, so he bribes Father Time to send him back to when life was easier. However, the Stone Age turns out to have...
While stealing some bones, Felix loses his tail. However, he goes to the tail shop to get a new one. He is then adopted by a rich woman who gives him...
After becoming hypnotised Felix decides to try hypnotism himself. After he is successful a couple of times he decides to hypnotise his wife. The plan...
Felix goes to Timbuctoo to win 50,000 buckaroos. Little does he know, his DIY airplane is about to be hi-jacked by terrorist fish. He finds a way out...
It's snowing and the thermometer is dropping well below freezing. Felix is cold. In his house a statue puts on a blanket, an alarm clock puts gloves...
Felix can't afford to get in to the theatre so he makes a hole in the wall to peep through. There are two wrestlers. A small Japanese mans overthrows...
Felix organizes a dance contest for hens, but runs afoul of the chicken farmer because the hens aren't meeting their egg quotas. The farmer captures...