Nancy Drew, a smart high schooler with a penchant for keen observation and deduction, stumbles upon the haunting of a local home. A bit of an...
In her first special since 2003, Ellen revisits her road to stardom and details the heartfelt -- and hilarious -- lessons she's learned along the way.
Sophia Grace and Rosie are sent to Switzelvania as special correspondents tasked with covering the coronation of a new queen. Once there, they...
This hour-long special blends Notaro’s signature voice and storytelling with a variety of artistic styles as she recounts a hospital bed...
The only living descendant of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde makes a deal with the dark side.
United by the planet's biggest conservation project -- The Red List -- conservation heroes around the world are risking everything to save giraffe,...
Follow comedian Ellen DeGeneres as she fulfills her dream of protecting Fossey’s legacy by building the The Ellen DeGeneres Campus of the Dian...
Centers on a 12-year-old girl who shows up on Castle Hangnail’s doorstep to fill the vacancy for a wicked witch at a time that the castle...
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