This documentary details the life and crimes of Ilse Koch, the Nazi woman who became notorious for her monstrous crimes against the prisoners of...
Terry Jones (of Monty Python) gives a narrative of the life of and society around Geoffrey Chaucer. Geoffrey Chaucer's life to middle age, He...
From Austrian princess to ill-fated last queen of France, Marie Antoinette's life journey is captured in this meticulously researched documentary...
The inhuman brutality and bloodshed that was endemic at Dachau - Nazi Germany's first concentration camp - did not come to an end with its 1945...
West Stow Anglo-Saxon Village is set in 125 acres. Here in the 60s and 70s a series of archaeological digs revealed the remains of a substantial...
Today's missle and helicoptor-equipped destroyers and frigates can reach further and more effectivly than even the mightiest capital ships of former...
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