When a criminal female named Spanish Fly threatens to contaminate the city water with aphrodisiacs, it is up to a duo of attractive female police...
This tale tells the story of female police cadets training to join the Hollywood vice squad. During training, the toothsome rookies are assigned to...
A group of hobgoblins, who allow you to live out your fantasies but kill you in the process, escape from a studio vault, and a security guard and his...
All Brenda wants is a normal life with a normal boyfriend, but she soon finds that her boyfriend is anything but normal -- he's part of a Satanic...
A lifeguard academy becomes a breeding ground for cat fights, shenanigans and pranks aplenty in this send up of the bouncy beach drama Baywatch.
A snooty female production assistant and an eager gopher at a TV station are assigned by their boss to locate a mysterious cassette. They quickly...
What starts as a dirty computer game, becomes a hilarious series of crimes, when the commissioner's son, Irwin, accidentally unleashes a Virtual...
Vice cops Candy and Traci accidentally meet the bikini robbers who are armed with assault weapons in a bank. The thieves escape with loot after a...
Two sisters in the Vice Academy try to thwart the crime wave wrought by escaped convict Malathion, who got her name after being exposed to toxic...
The sequel to the Rick Sloane classic from the 1980's, "Hobgoblins."
"To Protect and Serve" takes on a whole new meaning when the Vice Academy girls are on the case. Candy and her new partner Samantha are back in an...
Interviews and behind-the-scenes footage of the first three Vice Academy films.
Filmmaker Rick Sloane cultivated his taste for pulp satire by producing fake trailers for non-existent Grindhouse style films such as Chainsaw...
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