Jan Horak is a middle-aged railroad dispatcher stationed at a forsaken spot in the desert, within driving distance of the nearest town. A widower, he...
In this heart-warming drama, a beggar and his performing dog, Flip, struggle to eke out a living upon the cruel streets. He is hired to perform at a...
Cleo Moore stars as Mary Adams, whose first step on the road to ruin is a $25,000 robbery. Mary hides the money, then confesses to the crime, secure...
An elderly motion picture artist drifts through a tenement block, devising a plan to change the lives of its dissatisfied residents with a dusting of...
In 1841, in the small Morovian village of Skalni Hradec, a judge makes his much younger wife witness the public humiliation of an unfaithful wife who...
A young woman's suicide attempt is stopped by an old man passing by. The two fall in love -- but the relationship between the young girl and old man...