Three young lives from the present are mysteriously destined to travel back in time through a portal to an old forgotten city. It is an era of civil...
Thaen is hit by a car and loses his memories. He starts to live with the woman who hit him as she feels a bit responsible for hurting him other than...
Destiny has brought Ten and Pao to meet through a story in touring book. Though they haven't seen each other yet, the letters in the book was written...
Angie, a young killer who has been raised in the killer organization since childhood, from the murder of the kitchen She is on a mission to steal the...
Three young men plan to kidnap the dog, each for their own purpose. After a Mission Impossible style heist, the men end up with the dog, but trouble...
A group of male friends are all trying to do the same thing: Finding a 'Gig' for themselves to have some fun. But all of them are not too successful...