Popelka, a resourceful and independent young girl, is a servant in her stepmother's house and confides in her closest friend the owl. When she comes...
The Shamer's Daughter, Dina, with the magical power of compelling people to admit their most secret shame, must save her family with her newly found...
Amalie is the girl who has everything, good looks, money, a boyfriend and a big talent of dancing. One day, her world falls apart and she moves from...
An evil lord, eager to rule the Valley of Knights, steals a magic suit of armor and is determined to hunt down the young queen for the missing part,...
Psychologist Eliska contacts musician Martin with a request for him to perform at an event on mental disorders. Their intense relationship ends with...
The small cancer cell Kaja is tired of being the only one who cannot divide and make copies of herself. Especially now that the boss in the tumor has...