Fifty years after Slow Down by Avraham Heffner won a prize at Venice Film Festival, top alumni of the Jerusalem Sam Spiegel Film School challenge the...
The story of a private eye named Sammy Molco who discovers his wife has a female lover, showing the struggles and attempts he experiences in order to...
On the day his mother dies, Alex can't gather enough people for the funeral, to say the traditional Jewish Kadish prayer on his mother's grave. So at...
Ron, at 22, still lives with his parents. He barely knows the daylight hours and his nights are divided between his job as editor of wedding videos,...
A lockdown is about to go into effect in a few hours, and nothing scares Niva more than being alone. When she embarks on a search for someone to stay...
When Naomi's roommate catches her with the duplicate key she made for her boyfriend, they begin a war of attrition over the house. Each one is ready...