Journey to Mars (Viaje a Marte) is an animated stop motion short film. This independent production, which was made in Argentina, is the result of two...
A curious nun ventures into the darker side of her animated world.
In a world controlled and timed by the light, a common man has a plan that could change the destiny.
A moving night at the opera.
For the first time in front of a camera Ayunanda Fahaki introduce his whole body in a blender and ensures due out alive after turning it on.
This Spanish-language short was made using stop-motion animation and features very simple sets and characters. However, despite the relatively low...
Jessica attends a yoga class that may expand her universe in an extreme way.
A journey through the conflicting relationship between a man, his social environment and codes.
The story of five fingers participating in an arm wrestling match
The incredible skills of a man with corn.
A man receives a package in his house, which contains a single glove. Once he puts on the glove, his life will change radically.
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