Two women, Nic and Jules, brought a son and daughter into the world through artificial insemination. When one of their children reaches age, both...
The story focuses on 6-year-old Maisie, caught in a custody battle between her mother—a rock and roll icon—and her father. What Maisie...
Alliances are tested when seven college pals reunite to watch two of their own say “I do” at a seaside wedding. But the maid of honor and...
A failed New York playwright stages a suicide in an attempt to win back her ex, only to wind up in the custody of her gambling-addict mother.
Set in the world of mega-churches in which a former Deadhead-turned-born-again-Christian finds himself on the run from fundamentalist members of his...
Michelle kills three of her friends in a horrific car accident while driving under the influence. After rehab, Michelle takes a job recommended by...
A match made in stoner heaven turns into a love triangle gone awry when Lyle can't decide which matters most, Nina or Mary Jane.
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