A Minnesota police officer crosses paths with a committed and tireless vigilante as he follows the trail of a ruthless predator responsible for...
In an effort to avoid paying off a massive gambling debt to a notorious mobster in England, a couple flees to Los Angeles and hatch a jewel theft...
A young man’s difficult entry into adulthood, who experiences the highs and lows of his first love, while dealing with the familial fallout...
When a professional tutor takes a job at a remote manor, he soon finds himself battling his disturbed student’s obsessions, which threaten to...
An idealistic young employee at the U.N. investigates the grizzly murder of his predecessor – and uncovers a vast global conspiracy that may...
Two drunk parents attempt to hide their ever increasing financial difficulties from their daughter and social circle through elaborate neighborhood...
A young woman named Savannah Knoop spends six years pretending to be a transgender writer named JT Leroy, the made-up literary persona of her...
Observes a mild-mannered new father who strikes up a friendship with a charismatic but enigmatic man at a bar and soon suspects that he is keeping a...
Set in the near future, when the British government takes authoritarian rule over parenting.
Ivy finds herself confronted with parallel universes in which her life unspools in very different ways set against the modern London jazz scene.
A man's road trip across North America with a group of free-spirited runaways turns out to be more complicated than he expected.
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