In 1992, Mercer is desperately trying to rebuild his life and his relationship with his son amidst the turbulent Los Angeles uprising following the...
In this comedy, an aspiring singer finds herself single and pregnant. The story begins when she is rushed to the hospital to give birth. She is...
An embittered ex-convict cowboy sets out to find the hidden gold his partner told him about.
This 14-minute film talks about the Hindu god Brahma's creation of life, the world and of course the first woman. Saeed Jaffrey narrates the story as...
A collection of twenty short films, averaging 2-3 minutes, by various filmmakers depicting American life, intended to be shown in a continuous loop...
A local sheikh tells a story to a fellow coffeehouse patron who is suspicious of Western influences in his country. Hoja, who is known for his own...
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