Set in contemporary Rome, the film shows through a series of encounters with “ancient” Romans, how the economic and political...
A man returns to visit his native Sicily after living in New York for a long time. He learns about the Sicilian way of life from stylized...
A story about the continuity and collapse of history, the power of suppression, and the terror of reconciliation; loyalty, treason and revenge. In a...
'Dalla nube alla resistenza (From the Cloud to the Resistance ) (1978), based on two works by Cesare Pavese, falls into the category of History...
The film is a sort of presentation of Franco Fortini's book 'I Cani del Sinai'. Fortini, an Italian Jew, reads excerpts from the book about his...
Excerpts from the novel Donna di Messina (1949 and 1964, 1967) by Elio Vittorini (1908-1966).
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