Tsugumi, who lives in a small seaside town, has been in delicate health from birth. Her parents spoiled her and she is rough and selfish. However, a...
A disgraced warrior planning the murder of a Japanese diplomat, and a ninja in the employ of a navy official are about to land in San Francisco when...
Go! Anpanman: The Lyrical Magical Witch's SchoolHD
IMDb: 7
One day Anpanman finds a big cloud over the sea, home to the School for Witches. One of the students, Lyrica, makes friends with Anpanman and leaves...
Released after seven years in prison, an inveterate thug goes from strength to ruthless strength as he makes his way through a succession of dubious...
In Okinawa, a Japanese-Filipino gangster named Joe kills an Okinawan mobster. Joe temporarily escapes the pursuing mob by fleeing to the Philippines,...