Mark, a man who commits perjury for his company in order to help his mother. However, he meets a mysterious person who threatens him and forces him...
A full journey from the beginning of "Swordplay" movies in Shanghai, growth in Hong Kong cinemas in the 60's and 70's and Ang Lee's epic "Crouching...
In the 19th century, the Prince Regent of the Qing Dynasty orders the mass execution of the entire Meng clan. Before his beheading, the leader vows...
Filmmaker Ian Taylor examines the impressive legacy of Hong Kong cinema -- specifically, how martial arts crossed borders and become an international...
Hong Kong cinemas had a wide range of glamorous female stars during the golden age of the 60's and 70's. The series will take the audience on a...
In a fantastic quasi Georgian (18th century) world, a fanatical religious sect "The Holy Exaltation" have taken control.
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