What begins as a night filled with nostalgic happiness, transforms into something much more sinister, as the daylight begins to fade. And as the...
The Mourningside team deliver a macabre family tale. Ellie (Lakis) must struggle to come to grips with reality. All the time being stalked by...
While moving into a new home with his parents, young Clive discovers a mysterious record player and a single vinyl tucked away in the attic. Sitting...
Set 2,000 years ago in Ireland, SAWIN focuses on the origins of Halloween. Shot during October, SAWIN is possibly the most disturbing and haunting...
Stare into the mirror and repeat her name five times. Then she'll appear before you in all her gruesome horror. Black Aggie, Black Aggie, Black...
Growing up, Paul was carefree and full of life. He would spend countless hours playing in the oak tree in his backyard. He spent so much time out...
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