Emmanuelle makes first contact...when a group of intergalactic travelers arrives, seeking to understand human love and sexuality. Who better to teach...
Rod Steele (aka Agent 0014) is anything but the world's greatest super spy, but when diabolical villainess Tangerina threatens the world again, he's...
A professor designing a machine designed to meet the naughtiest fantasies. In order to perfect the discovery, he performed tests on various subjects,...
Aliens masquerading as owners of a small town video store distribute tapes that cause anyone who watches them to pleasure themselves and whoever else...
On board a long distance spaceship returning to Earth, an alien lifeform has invaded. It feeds off of sexual energy and can clone itself to resemble...
Emmanuelle - The Private Collection: Sex GoddessHD
IMDb: 7
Emmanuelle is haunted by a seemingly spectral poet, who awakens within her lust for life. As she pursues this vision of artistic beauty, her friends...