Dayana lives an abusive marriage with former police officer Elias, owner of Motel Destino. When 21-year-old Heraldo finds himself at the motel after...
Gabriel, a 24-year-old anthropologist from a wealthy family from the interior of the Northeast, is gay and in the closet. Following the death of his...
Rebeca is a shy 13-year old girl. She has just moved with her mother to an isolated neighborhood in a small town, near Rio de Janeiro. Since someone...
An adaptation of the eponymous song by Renato Russo, a famous Brazilian singer and composer who in the style of Bob Dylan knew how to delight crowds...
Men Are from Mars... And That's Where I'm Going!HD
IMDb: 6.7
Successful at work, Fernanda is an example of women of the third millennium, free to make their choices and independent. Yet in her personal life she...
Check out the hilarious story of luck and misadventures of Tino, a family man whose life is transformed after he wins the lottery. Dazzled by wealth,...
Coworkers Alexandre, Lima, Rocha, Diguinho and their families are treated by the company to a trip to Bahia. However, problems and unforeseen events...