As a young woman, Tristana is orphaned and taken under the guardianship of Don Lope, a respected member of the community, who takes advantage of his...
Near the end of the Civil War, an imprisoned Confederate raider is sent under guard to warn both his men and the Army at Fort Yuma that an impending...
Free version of 'Cinderella'. Rocio is a young deliverer of a fashion house who walks the streets of Madrid delivering dresses to clients. Until one...
A unique black comedy consisting of three episodes on the same theme: death. In a circus, trapeze artist Wilma is going to get rid of a rival during...
In the late 1800's, Sicilians Franco and Ciccio are serving 20 years of prison for stealing two mules, when they are helped to escape by an American...
A town in the Catalan coast hosts two luxury schools: one for boys, run by Don Cesar, a man of antiquated customs, and a female one, run by two nuns,...
Four young men are cited in a kiosk during a rainy afternoon. One has to study and the other three go to the cinema, although they are not allowed to...