During an unfortunate series of events, a friend of Kung Fury is assassinated by the most dangerous kung fu master criminal of all time, Adolf...
1985. Miami is kept safe under the watchful eye of Kung Fury and his Thundercops, the ultimate police force assembled from across history to defeat...
The music festival "Midnight Light Festival" employ 7 girls to chauffeur the festival's artists in their "epa-tractors". During two summernights we...
It's midsummer. A guy has ghosted Jana, and Philip has been dumped in a city unknown to him. They match and decide to see each other.
Tariq is about to be deported from Sweden, but with the help of Nathalie and her dirt bike, they head towards a mysterious refugee island across the...
‘Lulin’ is a joint creation of electronic duo Gidge, film production company Lampray and arts platform Norr – all friends from...
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