When an infamous "cursed" Egyptian sarcophagus falls into the hands of unscrupulous huckster Everett Randolph, he becomes obsessed with resurrecting...
England, 1897. Abraham Van Helsing receives a letter from his former student Dr John Seward requesting his urgent assistance in the northern town of...
A group of teenagers must somehow survive the night when they find themselves trapped within a pentagram. To stay inside the candlelit confines means...
After an abandoned 400-year-old ship appears off the coast of a small town, Historian Elena and the local coastguard go to investigate. They discover...
Lawyer Gabriel Utterson is astonished to learn that his lifelong friend Henry Jekyll has apparently committed murder and suicide in the space of one...
On a trip to Dublin to celebrate St. Patrick's Day, four friends agree to spend the night in an abandoned tavern, where they are stalked by an undead...