In 1984, Academy Award winning composer Giorgio Moroder introduced Fritz Lang’s science fiction epic Metropolis to a new generation of...
Molly, the eldest child of a group of orphans being used as slaves on a farm hidden deep in a swamp, must rescue the others when their cruel master...
A documentary about F.W. Murnau.
Twelve-year-old Mexican-American Marcos (Jose Alcala) recalls the hardships of the previous year, reflecting on the arduous trek his migrant-worker...
This movie was featured on the DVD release of Der letzte Mann in 2004 in Germany.
Short documentary about Buster Keaton's first venture into features.
A 30-year-old bachelor who refuses to leave his house strikes up a relationship with a neurotic neighbor.
Luciano Berriatúa documentary on the making of Murnau’s "Faust."
A documentary about the making of 'Daughters of the Dust', featuring interviews and behind-the-scenes footage.
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