The story follows Maria - a teenager whose mother used to be a hoarder. Now (set in the 90s) she lives in a foster home where a previous resident...
A scientist makes a reckless decision to carry on with an illegal surrogacy experiment, using her own body.
A troupe of clowns gather to perform a story about a priest and a refugee, but as their misguided tale unfolds, the boundaries between fiction and...
The story sees a 40-something trans man recalling and reliving his first romantic entanglement.
From the billowing gauze of The Meatloaf Suite to the twinkling lights on The Kem & Amber terrace, every detail of Silky Hotel has been designed with...
NOSEBLEED follows a pivotal week for long-time best friends Lilah and Coby, whose friendship is morphing into something far more venomous and toxic.
Passing themselves off as fishermen, two fugitive female lovers find work on a trawler.
An illegal immigrant takes on an underground driving job with an unknown cargo, to gain UK citizenship from his criminal employers.
During a sizzling summer in the noughties, a gang of South London schoolgirls face strange sexual awakenings, which culminate in a visceral fate.
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